Good morning. May I see Dr. Wesley, please? I have a 11 o’clock appointment with him.
??????? ??? ????? ? ???? ? ??? 11? ??? ?? ????.
Mr. Wesley is on the phone. He’ll be with you in a minute.
??? ???? ?? ???? ???. ? ?? ? ? ?? ???.
Would you care for a cup of coffe while you’re waiting.
????? ?? ?? ? ? ??????
He’s with patient. ??? ?? ????.
I have stuffy nose.
?? ???.
I have splitting headache.
??? ??? ? ?? ???.
I ache all over.
??? ????.
It hurts right here.
??? ???.
What seems to be the trouble?
What’s the matter with you?
??? ????
He slipped and fell and sprained his ankle.
?? ???? ???? ??? ????.
He’s too sick to get out of bed.
?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ? ? ???.
I ache all over.
?? ??? ????.
He had a heart attack.
?? ????? ????.
Do you have anything for a cold?
??? ?? ?? ????
Do you have fever?
?? ?????
I have a fever (temperature).
I have a cough and my nose is running.
??? ?? ??? ????.
Why don’t you take an aspirin.
????? ?? ?? ???.
How many should I take?
? ?? ??? ????
Only one at a time.
??? ? ??? ??????.
I had the flu for a couple of weeks.
2??? ??? ??? ????.
He had a car accident and broke his arm.
?? ??? ??? ?? ?????.
I have a terrible headache.
?? ??? ???.
How often should I take these pills?
??? ?? ? ??? ???? ????
Take one in every five hours.
? 5???? ? ?? ?????.