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      韓英對照常用語句--集會 4

      發布時間:2011-09-17     來源:互聯網    進入韓語論壇

      All those in favor of the motion sya aye.

      ? ???? ???? ?? ’?’?? ?????.

      All those against the motion say nay.

      ???? ???? ?? ’???’?? ?????.

      We motion that the convention rule be amended.

      ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????.

      The board of directors turned down the porposal.

      ? ??? ? ??? ?? ???.

      It’s up in the air.

      ?? ???? ?????.

      It was a unanimous decision.

      ??? ????? ???????.

      Did you make up your mind?


      Which side are you on?

      ??? ?? ?????

      Are you for or against it?

      ??? ?????, ??????

      I’m not against it.

      ?? ??? ???? ????.

      I feel the same way.

      ?? ???? ?????.

      I’m all for it.

      ?? ???? ?????.

      I whole-heartedly agree with you.

      ?? ???? ?????.

      Whatever you do, I’m with you.

      ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ????.

      He is on the other side of the fence.

      ?? ???? ????.

      This is off the record.

      ?? ??????.

      How did the meeting turn out?

      ?? ??? ??? ??????

      How did the meeting go?

      ??? ?????

      The meeting was a great success.

      ??? ????????.

      The meeting was called off because of bad weather.

      ??? ?? ? ??? ???????.

      Unlkie last year, most of the speeches this year were cut-and-dry.

      ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ????????.

      Who gave the opening address?

      ?? ???? ?????

      Our plans are all up in the air.

      ?? ??? ?? ?????.

      We listed her among our society.

      ??? ?? ??? ???? ???????.

      The members are from all walks of life.

      ???? ????? ??????.

      Who has the last word in your circle?

      ?? ????? ???? ?? ?? ???

      At first you’ll feel out of place.

      ???? ?????? ??? ???.

      I felt so out of place.

      ???? ??? ? ????.

      He attended the meeting as if nothing had happened.

      ? ??? ?? ? ??? ?? ??? ???.

      This chair just squeaks on its own.

      ? ??? ??? ???????.

      How much is the membership fee?

      ???? ??????

      The membership is open to all for free.

      ???? ??? ?? ??? ? ?????.

      Did Bill show up at the meeting?

      ?? ??? ??????

      No, he never showed up.

      ??, ???? ??? ????.


      Tag: 韓英對照 常用語句 集會
