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      韓語閱讀:感悟人生 凡事取決于觀點

      發布時間:2011-08-17     來源:互聯網    進入韓語論壇

      ???? ????? ??? ??, ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ????.
        Your explanatory style largely determines your thoughts, emotions, and subsequent actions.

        ?? ??? ???? ??? 95%? ?? ?? ???? ? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ????.
        Your explanatory style is defined as “the way you explain things to yourself.” Fully 95 percent of your emotions, positive or negative, are determined by the way you interpret the things that are happening around you, and by the way you talk to yourself.

        - ?? ????(馬丁•塞利格曼 / Martin Seligman)

        ? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???, ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ? ????.
      Following this train of thought, bad things are bad and good things are good because we perceive them to be that way.

        ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????.
        The heart of the matter is that a negative attitude leads to inadequate results, and maintaining a positive attitude yields superior results.

        ?? ????? ?? ?? ?? ????.
        It all comes down to one’s perspective

      Tag: 韓語閱讀 感悟人生 取決于觀點
